Having trouble with Firebug on Firefox? Here’s why. (more…)

If you are attempting to learn Durandal JS and getting “Script error for: knockout” from their website’s HTML Starter Kit (producing a blank screen), here is your fix. (more…)

I just ran across a usage of Date.now() in a web application and noticed it throwing an error in IE8, our lowest common denominator of a browser. Here is a quick fix to make sure you get your number value back in all browser. see the script.

There are plenty of opinions about organizing markup, but the W3C is the predominant authority in such matters. When referring to the proper position of script tags, the latest W3C content is a bit vague.

Where does the tag go?

Embedding PDFs or other content into websites and web apps has become commonplace. Inevitably you will want to have menus that drop down over those PDFs or have some other element that can overlay the iframe that you place the PDF in.

Most browsers understand this desire and are happy to accommodate. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer in its many versions still does not handle this. Get the easy fix

When using JSLint or JSHint, you will get the "Missing radix parameter" error when using parseInt without a second argument. (more…)

With Twitter Bootstrap modals in either version 2 or 3, you can easily prevent the modal window from being closed with the escape key or by clicking on the black backdrop outside the window. see the code

RSS Feeds. AKA Really Simple Syndication. As a professional web developer of over 13 years, I have to say that I never really understood why anyone would use them. Seemed like a nice idea, but never had any attraction for me.

I still had to work with them all the time because they were “in vogue” and I simply saw them as a way for other a**holes to steal content from legitimate authors. (Side note: if you are here to steal content from other websites, you can choke on something). Strangely, after all this time, I have found that the same mechanism can be quickly used for good

I just came across a need to do some JavaScript validation for radio buttons and had the pleasure of being reminded that radio buttons aren’t referenced as other form elements are. I decided to throw together this quick tutorial as a reminder of how to do it. Reference Radio

Like most web developers who publish articles, I always preach about standards and best practices (which, incidentally, makes me wonder why we don’t see more loud-mouthed naysayers who try to get recognition by writing about how all that is a big joke.) This article will be no different, except this time no one can argue about whether it makes a real difference. Today, I will be talking about progressive enhancement. Enhance it!