What are sectioning roots? Let’s take a look at this HTML5 feature and whether or not sectioning roots are important to your webpages.
Get to the root of it.

What’s the difference between article and section? Here, I will show you when to choose one HTML5 tag over another.
See the semantic differences

Hmmm… should you use GET or POST as the method for your HTML forms? Neither! You should be using post, actually. While the world will keep on spinning no matter how you capitalize the word, all attribute values should really be lowercase for consistency. (more…)

Like most web developers who publish articles, I always preach about standards and best practices (which, incidentally, makes me wonder why we don’t see more loud-mouthed naysayers who try to get recognition by writing about how all that is a big joke.) This article will be no different, except this time no one can argue about whether it makes a real difference. Today, I will be talking about progressive enhancement. Enhance it!

Web development covers a lot of material, and even someone like myself who has done it for years can forget stuff many times before it sets in. We all have those *facepalm* moments. In this article, I will discuss what can and can’t be done with the id and name attributes, and why. (more…)