This article explores the full set of graphics options available in Crysis 2 for the PC, going beyond the basic settings of Gamer, Advanced, and Hardcore. Get the tool.
Like every PC game released nowadays, Dragon Age 2 has plenty of issues that either hurt the experience for gamers, or flat out keep them from playing altogether. The DA2 black polygon glitch makes the game simply unplayable with DirectX 11 enabled on Nvidia cards. Thankfully, Nvidia was quick to respond with a beta update to solve the problem. Get the beta driver.
A lot of people have come to one of my other articles looking for a way to completely uninstall Minecraft from their computer. I will show you how to do that in this article, plus show you a helpful shortcut for Windows. Uninstall Minecraft.
A new exhibition from the Smithsonian American Art Museum is set to run March 16, 2011 through September 30, 2011. See ‘The Art of Video Games’.
There is certainly no shortage of this topic on the web. Unfortunately for newer developers, there is no way to tell the good advice from the bad. In this article I will show you the wrong way and the right way. See the proper way.
While date formats are common issues address by designers and developers every day. However, date formats are a universal topic that plague people everywhere. Is one way better than another?
This basic article will show you how to get values out of the URL with PHP. See the code.