An expanded comparison series for tablet brands you never heard of. Here we look at the brand of Android 4.0 tablets by Ematic for the 2012 Christmas or “holiday” season (whatever they call it these days). View the Ematic comparison

Having just compared the Visual Land Android 4.0 Prestige models 7 and 7L, it is only fitting to also compare the “Connect” model as well. I was unable to find proper comparisons of these 3 tablets on the internet, so I decided to create them myself! Connect vs Prestige

Like it or not, 2012 will be the “Year of the Tablet,” as far as the holiday season goes. Like digital picture frames a few years ago, cheap tablets from brands you never heard of will find their way into the hands of millions of gift givers this December. Get the real comparisons here

Hmmm… should you use GET or POST as the method for your HTML forms? Neither! You should be using post, actually. While the world will keep on spinning no matter how you capitalize the word, all attribute values should really be lowercase for consistency. (more…)

The Amazingly Great Square Bundle from was a tremendous deal that unfortunately went out of stock incredibly quick. How Amazon is making up for it.

It occurred to me that there are many wrong ways to submit forms and I can’t recall that I have every seen the right way documented anywhere.

Here, SolidlyStated will show you a 3 step, rock-solid form submission process and why it is superior to the majority of the web. Learn the steps.

This is a companion article to a JavaScript version of the same tutorial. This article is intended for PHP developers who want to pull WordPress and other blog posts into a non-Wordpress or non-blog web page.

If you are using PHP, I recommend you use this method, as it is cleaner than JavaScript and completed entirely at server-side. see the code.

RSS Feeds. AKA Really Simple Syndication. As a professional web developer of over 13 years, I have to say that I never really understood why anyone would use them. Seemed like a nice idea, but never had any attraction for me.

I still had to work with them all the time because they were “in vogue” and I simply saw them as a way for other a**holes to steal content from legitimate authors. (Side note: if you are here to steal content from other websites, you can choke on something). Strangely, after all this time, I have found that the same mechanism can be quickly used for good