ASUS preloaded setting 3.06 GHz

The second preloaded ASUS overclocking profile. Interestingly, this profile automatically lowered the default core voltage to 1.100. Either way, it’s still stable. The Intel spec for this chip actually states that you can go as low as 0.650V.

Secondly, this profile also fudged with the DRAM voltage. I found it set back up all the way to 1.625. That’s about normal for regular sticks, but not our low-voltage ECO RAM. I returned this to it’s humble 1.350 volts.

At this point, it still feels like we’re barely stepping on the gas. This chip can do a lot better, even with the stock cooling fan.

3.075 GHZ CPU

3.075 GHZ CPU

DDR 1464 7-7-7-21-1T

DDR 1464 7-7-7-21-1T



Hyper Threading ON
Prime95 Stable
Core Voltage 1.110 V
IMC/VTT Voltage 1.165 V
DRAM Voltage 1.350 V
Sandra Bandwidth 18.64 GB/s
Sandra CPU Math 74.68 GOPS