This article is an in-depth look at the EVGA GTX 470. The GT400 series GPU, nicknamed ‘Fermi‘, is designed for high-end gaming and is the first Nvidia chip to support DirectX 11.
Our in-depth look will solidly state the difference between available part numbers, cover all features, and display extensive overclocking benchmarks.
This GTX 470 article is the last of a the EVGA GPU study: A 3 part series for entry-level, mid-level, and high-end gaming with EVGA GeForce cards. In the first part of our series, we covered the original 65nm GTS 250, a standard edition card which is the most ‘entry-level’ of the series. The second article’s card was a real gem: a 55nm GTX 260 Core 216. This card offered tremendous performance, with low heat and noise characteristics. The final article is for the new high-end DirectX11 card: the 40nm GTX 470.
We will be testing the EVGA GTX 470 with 1280MB DDR5, part number 012-P3-1470-AR. This review is now even more relevant with the release of the EVGA GTX 465 and EVGA GTX 460, younger siblings to the 470.
Now, the GTX 470 stands right in the middle of a good-better-best scenario, with the GTX 465 below and the GTX 480 above. If you’re interested, I have compiled a table with all 3 cards differing specs in my GTX 465 release article . I believe the specs and price point of the 470 make it the clear winner for the gaming market.
What’s in this Review?
There is a wealth of information in this article, so feel free to use the table of contents to jump around to areas of interest. I have included the full spec list of the 470 series, all available part numbers, FurMark scores, FarCry 2 scores, Crysis scores, temperatures, dimensions, drivers, overclocking potential using the stock cooling and bios settings, overclocking utilities, and other interseting tidbits. We will begin by taking a look at the card used in these tests. This article contains an extensive amount of data. While I have done my best in aggregating it, please let me know if there are any mistakes, so that it may be updated.
The Superclocked edition is simply a few Megahertz faster than the standard edition. The “EVGA Precision” tuning tool, which is packaged with your card, can safely and easily do this.
If you are still too timid to use it, feel free to pay a few bucks for EVGA to do it for you. For this article’s baseline, we will start at the clock speed of the standard edition and move up from there.