If you are attempting to learn Durandal JS and getting “Script error for: knockout” from their website’s HTML Starter Kit (producing a blank screen), here is your fix. (more…)
If you are attempting to learn Durandal JS and getting “Script error for: knockout” from their website’s HTML Starter Kit (producing a blank screen), here is your fix. (more…)
Check out the final sequence to The Evil Within by the father of survival horror, Shinji Mikami.
If you noticed that suddenly you have a new Netflix profile that called “KiDS,” you are not alone. (more…)
Our previous bug post for The Evil Within PC helped reduce the random crashing for players early on (it was really hard to get through Chapter 2 without it, but it comes back later). This time we have a blurry screen to deal with. Another quick fix.
Here’s what the inside scoop is for Best Buy’s Xbox One and Playstation 4 offerings are for November 28, 2014. (more…)
The Evil Within is notorious for crashing randomly on PC, making you wonder how such bugs get past QA. Luckily, the fix for this one is easy. Get your crash fix.
Alien Isolation has some wonderful graphics and performance right out of the box. The graphics options themselves lead you to believe the far right choices are the highest quality, but this is not true.
See the quality
I just ran across a usage of Date.now()
in a web application and noticed it throwing an error in IE8, our lowest common denominator of a browser. Here is a quick fix to make sure you get your number value back in all browser. see the script.
After killing hundreds of Nazis while leaning around corners, I finally figured out why I had not gotten my Kills from Cover perk in Wolfenstein: The New Order. Facepalm moment coming up