Unlike a lot of recent game releases, The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim for the PC has performed very well in the graphics department.
While users have reported a crash to desktop that will be familiar to anyone who has been playing Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, there hasn’t been much that needs tweaking.
Skyrim runs very well on today’s hardware and seems fairly optimized. The shadows can be low quality and chunky, but overall frame rate is good. If you want to fine tune some additional options, though, you can browse through the .ini files in the following location in Windows:
My Documents > My Games > Skyrim
Solid Tip: Before you go ‘tweaking’ these .ini files, you should copy and paste them into the folder so you have a backup version.
Improve Shadows
These are off by default, but try them out to see if your PC can handle it. It looks great.
Location | Default (OFF) | Improved (ON) |
SkyrimPrefs.ini | bTreesReceiveShadows=0 | bTreesReceiveShadows=1 |
SkyrimPrefs.ini | bDrawLandShadows=0 | bDrawLandShadows=1 |
Ambient Occlusion for Nvidia Cards
If you have a GeForce, you can use Nvidia Inspector to turn on an Ambient Occlusion flag for Skyrim. Need help with the Inspector? Check out instructions in this older Divinity 2 example.
Location | Compatibility Flag |
Nvidia Inspector | 0×00000003 |
Disabling Vertical Sync (Vsync)
Vsync is a good thing! Only turn it off if your computer is struggling to keep the frame rate high.
Location | Vsync ON | Vsync OFF |
SkyrimPrefs.ini | iPresentInterval=1 | iPresentInterval=0 |
Disabling Mouse Acceleration
Personal preference for people. Note that Skyrim has Mouse Sensitivity set very low at the start of the game, so check that first.
Location | Default (ON) | Disabled (OFF) |
SkyrimPrefs.ini | bMouseAcceleration=1 | bMouseAcceleration=0 |
Field of View (FOV )
Some people prefer to view the world in a wider angle, some think it looks fish-eyed. The default FOV is not listed, but is probably 70. You can edit FOV by adding a new line as shown below. Set the number to whatever you want. Add the code to the bottom of the file.
Location | Add This |
Skyrim.ini | fdefaultfov=70 |
Additional Helpful Stuff
Experiencing a crash to desktop with Skyrim PC? I did an article on the same type of crash a couple weeks ago for Dead Rising 2 OTR. Skyrim uses the same fix and involves changing your sound card settings. Check out the crash to desktop fix.
Having trouble with navigating the menus with the mouse? Check out the menu navigation article for some tips on becoming a pro with Skyrim’s user interface.
I wonder if the person that wrote this actually played Skyrim on a PC. Optimized? Runs well? Seriously? It took me 4 hours of looking up .ini file tweaks, a separate 3rd party launcher and another 3rd party performance patch to even get it to run reliably. And that is on a system that is ABOVE the “recommended” requirements, never mind minimum requirements which is what many many more people are playing at.
Played on PC? I’m at level 45 right now and alt-tabbed out of the game to respond to your little tirade here. Yes the game is very well optimized and it runs great.
AGREEd WITH Solid, game runs fine ,just finished installing windows 7 on new(better/upgraded pc and looking for tweeks to take advantage of..moving from a 3 year old cpu/mobo to a brand new i7, an ati radion 4870 to an nvidia GTX580 … still waiting for the steam dl again .. but ran ok on the old with no aa on medium settings.. see what happens