This article is a supplement to Logitech G27 and Need For Speed Hot Pursuit for PC. In this article, I will show you how to eliminate the massive dead zone in the steering of a Logitech wheel by using a file from the modding community.

The mod is created and updated by Racer_S of seems to be down so I am hosting the file locally for the time being.

You can download the file here.

Update: 12/20/2010 Racer_S just updated his mod. See his download page for details. It now supports patched versions of the game and you must select the correct version or the game will crash.

EA/Criterion released a patch here that does nothing for wheels, but apparently solves some crashing issues and graphical lighting/effects issues. However, the patch is reported to crash now when using this mod (unconfirmed).

I use this mod for offline racing only (as urged by Racer_S). We call it a fix- others might call it cheating. I had no trouble setting it up and playing in only a minute, but use it at your own risk (of course). It is simply 2 files: a DLL file that does the work, and a text file where you set your options.

Setting up this mod

  • Drop both files in your game directory (wherever NFS11.exe is)
  • Open dinput8.ini and set your options
  • Put 1 for FIXDEADZONE
  • Put 1 for USEMANUAL if you want to use paddle shifters- bonus!
  • Set your GAMEVERSION to 0, 1, or 2
  • Save the file changes
  • Open your Hot Pursuit profile (see pic)
  • Click Steering Wheel
  • Set Dead Zone at 3%
  • Have Fun!

Visual Aid

profiler help step 1

Select 'Steering Wheel'

profiler help step 2

Set 3% dead zone when using mod

Whats the 3% for?

So you can drive straight! The mod makes the steering so precise, you can’t keep the car straight. Its always going just a tiny bit left or right.

Adding a 3% dead zone to the wheel lets you go straight when the wheel is centered. You can also increase the degrees of rotation to your liking, up to 900.

Using Paddle Shifters

If you want to shift up and down (a bonus provided by this mod), go into your game options and map the G27 paddle shifters to the Scroll Up and Scroll Down selections.

The game will actually keep shifting for you if you forget, but you can go up/down at any time on the road.

What About Online Play?

While I have no evidence that anything bad would happen if you use this mod online, I would recommend just moving your DLL and INI file out of the directory. Better to err on the side of caution.

To deal with the dead zone without mod files, simply use 180-200 degree rotation per my Hot Pursuit article instructions. This shrinks the dead zone and makes it mostly bearable.