Shame on you, NVidia.
Not only did you promise that your Geforce 400 and 500 series cards would support DX12, you have also been falsely advertising these cards on your website as DirectX 12 cards the whole time! See the truth.
Shame on you, NVidia.
Not only did you promise that your Geforce 400 and 500 series cards would support DX12, you have also been falsely advertising these cards on your website as DirectX 12 cards the whole time! See the truth.
What is a GTX 465? With the release of the powerful DirectX 11 GTX 470 and 480, Nvidia wanted to have an option with a lower price point to compete with sales of the Radeon 5850.
This price point as of today’s release is $279.99 + shipping on The card still uses the GF100 based Fermi 40nm architecture that is now in full production. See how the 465 compares.
This article is an in-depth look at the EVGA GTX 470. The GT400 series GPU, nicknamed ‘Fermi‘, is designed for high-end gaming and is the first Nvidia chip to support DirectX 11.
Our in-depth look will solidly state the difference between available part numbers, cover all features, and display extensive overclocking benchmarks. Next, Let’s Examine this GTX 470