Want to give All in One SEO pack access to WordPress roles that are not Administrators? Here’s a quick solution.
Want to give All in One SEO pack access to WordPress roles that are not Administrators? Here’s a quick solution.
A problem with WordPress’ built-in picture gallery is that it will include a featured image in the gallery itself if one exists. See the solution
This is a companion article to a JavaScript version of the same tutorial. This article is intended for PHP developers who want to pull WordPress and other blog posts into a non-Wordpress or non-blog web page.
If you are using PHP, I recommend you use this method, as it is cleaner than JavaScript and completed entirely at server-side. see the code.
RSS Feeds. AKA Really Simple Syndication. As a professional web developer of over 13 years, I have to say that I never really understood why anyone would use them. Seemed like a nice idea, but never had any attraction for me.
I still had to work with them all the time because they were “in vogue” and I simply saw them as a way for other a**holes to steal content from legitimate authors. (Side note: if you are here to steal content from other websites, you can choke on something). Strangely, after all this time, I have found that the same mechanism can be quickly used for good …
WordPress has helpful functions tag clouds, terms, categories and more inside your blog. I find it helpful to be able to monitor my data outside of WP occasionally with direct database queries. Get your data.
Since support for the Advertising Manager plugin ended, recent updates to WordPress have left publishers without a toolbar interface. The final released version of Advertising Manager was 3.4.19 and it no longer works after upgrading to WordPress 3.3.
After upgrading to WordPress3.1, many users experienced broken permalink issues. Some users were able to identify the Simple Tags or Top Level Category plugin as the culprit. In this case, obviously, the culprit is the Multi-page Toolkit plugin. Get an easy fix.
If you need to search for and replace text in a database column, MySQL provides a built in method similar to other scripting languages. Get the syntax.
Paginated posts, also known as multi-page posts, can be an indispensable tool when publishing long posts. Our Core i7 860 overclocking article, for example, is 10 packed pages of stats and images.
WordPress handles this task with ease, by offering the nextpage tag in the post’s visual editor or directly with the wp_link_pages() function.
Using this feature in recent versions of WordPress, however, results in only the first page being indexed by Google and other search engines. Learn what to do about it.
This is actually SolidlyStated.com’s first post ever regarding WordPress itself, which is the engine that powers this website.
This article is nothing new and is really going to benefit me the most, because deleting post revisions is something that is done every couple of weeks here. Now I will have a permanent record of this SQL statement. Get your query.