This article is part of our series: The Logitech G27 Racing Wheel for Casual Racing Gamers. Here, we will cover setting up your G27 racing wheel to play Race Driver: GRID. The 8th game in the Race Driver series, GRID was developed and published by Codemasters. Grid is a arcade/simulation style track-based racing title.
Solid Tip: Looking for G27 drivers or Logitech Profiler software? Get it here.
Logitech G27 Solid Series Articles | |
1. Casual Gamer vs Simulation Gamer | 11. Test Drive Unlimited |
2. Setting Up Your G27, Made Easy | 12. Test Drive Unlimited 2 |
3. Need For Speed: Carbon | 13. Burnout Paradise |
4. Need For Speed: Pro Street | 14. Race Driver: GRID |
5. Need For Speed: Undercover | 15. Race Driver: GRID 2 |
6. Need For Speed: Shift | 16. Split Second |
7. Need For Speed: Shift 2 | 17. GTR Evolution |
8. Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit | 18. DiRT 2 |
9. Need For Speed: The Run | 19. DiRT 3 |
10. Need for Speed: Most Wanted | 20. Blur |
GRID has full support for force feedback. Additionally, there are in-game settings for altering the effects. As usual, the G27 shift lights are not supported. You will see more support for this in future titles. The same goes for ‘Allow Game to Adjust Settings.’ This feature has yet to be supported by any game (see the quote from Logitech on the 2nd article in this series for more on that).
Race Driver: GRID is the closest thing to a simulation out of all the games detailed in this series. While incredibly fun, it can also be very frustrating. A single mistake can send you from first to last in a moment. I found this title impossible to play at 900° of Rotation. I ended up opting for a more arcade feel with the default 200° Rotation.
If you prefer to use a larger amount of rotation, it would be helpful to lower the wheels dead zone in the game options and adjust the linearity option to match the game wheel’s movement with the G27 movement.

GRID 'Custom' Controls
Race Driver: GRID G27 Settings
- Open the Logitech Profiler
- Select New > Profile
- Add grid.exe as a new game.
- Select Edit > Specific Game Settings
- Uncheck Special Force Feedback Settings.
- Leave ‘Report Combined Pedals’ Unchecked
- Set Degrees of Rotation to Taste
- Leave ‘Use Special Game Settings’ Unchecked
- Play GRID and change keyboard to the G27
- Map the controls to your liking.
does the shifter work with the g27???
i need to know if ir works with grid as i am thinking of buying 1
yes it is fully functioning
yeah … there is shifts but these are not notified
i did all this, and grid still doesnt see the controller
Do you have any other games installed that are working with it? The wheel connects to Windows with DirectInput and that is what the game reads it from. You can open Windows game controllers and see if the wheel is working.
If you cannot select the wheel in the game, then you either 1- don’t have the wheel powered up 2- don’t have it installed correctly 3- need to restart the game if you hooked up the wheel after the game is launched.
First of all, I want to thank you for your efforts here. You have made a great guide that already helped me alot. I can’t get the wheel to work with Grid though. At first it wouldn’t show up ingame. I googled a bit and had to change all the mentions of G25 to G27 in a key mapping XML file. I did this, and the wheel shows up in game. But the peddles still don’t work… Can’t even get of the line now. Any tips/help you might have would be much appreciated.
Btw, I have GRID on Steam. (not sure if that matters).
My best experience:
Config g27:
all with 100% (as default), only select 540º.
Settins for the game:
deadzones (wheel, accelerator,brake)=0%
sensibility wheel=50% (saturation). With this i thing the game have no 540º, but have great 270º. Taste it!!!
sensibility brake and accelerator=50% or 60% (50% is normal, and 60% you need press more).
forcefeedbacks =100%
I don´t know if is the realistic, but this will give you 2 things:
1-the same movement on the g27 as the wheel game.
2-great feeling and the best play for me.
Dude, my g27 is working okey.. but the game is not making the forcefeedback, and I let it marked… it is being like those shoppings games with no return on the wheel… this way i have no emotion with the game ;-; .. plz help me.
P.S: i’m not american sorry so for my english mistakes, but if you could help me i would be very thankful
You say that the wheel is working- does that mean it has force feedback in other games? I always tell people to make sure that the wheel works with another game first. Usually, they don’t have it plugged into the wall.
I have not played this game in awhile, but if I were you, I would probably start by checking the game options screen and then the Logitech Profile for GRID that you made.
Global settings should not matter if feedback works in a other game. Good luck with it.
Sorry i posted my comment in a wrong post earlier. Do you have Grid Auto sport settings? I found only this page , can you confirm if this accurate? and also your Grid 2 page is broken. please fix. I want it too.
I have Grid: Autosport, but have not done any tests with the G27 yet. I will take a look at the Grid 2 page shortly.